Questions, Spørsmål,
Fragen, Pregunta.
I am starting to get questions and are happy about
it. When i was planning this trip i contacted a lot of boats with all kind's
of questions and i was happy to see that they always answered so i have
decided to follow up on this good tradition by answering all letter as good
as i can. On this page i will post all answers. If i am wrong about
please let me know and i will correct it immediately.
Questions and Answers. / Database for Spørsmål og svar

Sometimes between swimming, walking around looking for
parts ,bred or pretending to be working on something i have time for questions.
Feel free to email me about anything and i will try to answer. |
Before i set out on this journey i
literary had thousands of questions. In the end i found it impossible to answer
them all and still be able to set sail within two years. I decided to stick to
the main/big questions and take the small questions and challenges as they come.
This turned out to be the best solution for me and i am still learning (every
day). It is kind of like work. If you think too far ahead and try to solve every
small eventuality you will fail youer job because you have dug yourself down too
Two of my solar panels. This would work significantly
better if i had them on a place with no shadow but until i get a new
bimini roof this is where they will have to stay. .
My wind genny, Airmarine. This is the most powerfull one on the
market and the one that makes the most noise. Hated by most cruisers.
TIPS: If you have the space you can significantly reduce the noise by
mounting it on the mast high up. (easy on ketch)
Kjell O.
Stave |