first met the captains cruising along the main
street of puerto ayora in the galapagos islands. their
friendly faces and intriguing travel tales enticed me
to learn more about them and their sailboat,
Spetakkel. after a few encounters over the next
couple of weeks amongst the enchanted isles, i managed
to land the dubious role of 'cook' as part of their
I felt immediately at home as i stepped foot aboard
Spetakkel. an instant rapport amongst us water babies
maybe? i am overwhelmed by our backyard, the crystal
clear water looks different every day, always
brilliant and always inviting us in for a swim. our
maintenance free garden consists of cliffs and
cacti, real works of art that would look more at home
on canvas. our neighbors are great as well, diverse
and friendly, the sea lions, birds, iguanas and fish
hangout in harmony and are never noisy after bedtime.
spetakkel brings together beautiful people in
beautiful places with beautiful energies. she
understands the elements of mother nature, rocks us to
sleep and lends a hand when its time to stir delicious
meals with her motions. she’s a springboard for fun,
water sports galore, a platform for stargazing and a
maestro of great music. with a little help from her
offsider, the dinghy, she makes islets easily
accessible and secluded spots explorable. there are
no time limits, no schedules and no hidden agendas
with spetakkel. she allows us to simply be, live and
experience the magical places she takes us on her big
blue liquid carpet.
it is fantastic to be amongst people living their
dreams, rather than just talking about them.
acknowledging the choices they have made and
appreciating the opportunities that inevitably follow.
there is no stress, no blame and no agitation, which
cannot be easy living in such close quarters, 24/7.
the relaxed natures of the captains is wonderful to
witness, working together to overcome situations,
co-ordinate meetings and repair equipment with ease.
i am impressed with the responsible way in which they
regard regulations, codes of conduct and navigational
safety, all the while maintaining child-like wonder at
the beauty of the environment that envelops them.
we got chatting one day over a few empanadas and a few
beers and came to the same conclusion: if we won the
lottery, we would all be doing the exact same thing in
the exact same place. with paradise being the location
of past and future destinations. is it any wonder
thank you captain daryl, thank you captain kjell and
thank you spetakkel for your hospitality, warmth,
love, laughs and the time of my life. i wish you good
wind always and look forward to seeing you all again
someday in this aquatic playground dominating our
lots of love,
shelly from oz.