loosing it all.
At sea when the seas are rough I feel safe, simply because there is no land to
crash into, the boat can rock and squeal and might even capsize but because of
the massive keel it will always erect itself and I would survive. On a mooring
close to a reef being held by ropes I don't feel safe at all. The boat will be
pulling on the rope and fighting the waves instead of riding them like it is
meant to and after a split rope it is straight on the reef. The warning would be
maximum 20 seconds.
letter might seem a bit tacky, I had a lot of fun pretending to be a writer when
I made it :-) |
Never have I been closer to loose the boat.
When I
arrived in Niue the storm's were brewing and it was pitch dark. I knew it was
going to be a night arrival but I was counting on the full moon and the stars to
guide me. The night before I had problems sleeping, it was like daylight
outside, but not tonight, tonight it was dark. I flipped open my laptop and
connected the gaps hoping the c-map would be correct enough to use for
navigation but it was no use, the computer was showing me two miles out as I
could hear the waves braking on the reef half a mile ahead. The navigation
light's on the pier was out too, probably dismasted in the Hurricane Heta two
years ago. The only light on the pier was a light post for the dingy crane. It
was shooting a beam of light out towards the sea. That's it I thought, I went
back and forward along the reef using the beam looking for moorings, creeping
ever closer to the reef. After what seemed like an eternity I finally caught
glimpse of one and headed for it, grabbed it and tied on. I was safe for now but
the weather seemed to be getting worse. That night I did not sleep very good and
could feel a flue developing.
The following morning Paul and Andrea arrived
and despite the surge and waves we headed for land to clear in and get a cup of
coffee. The trip was short though because the seas was mounting and from up here
the boats looked like they were about to tear the moorings apart and break
loose. That night the already high sea and bad surge got worse, Paul decided to
head for open water and motored off to sea, I was not to meet him again for two
day. I realized that my propeller was too small to get me out to sea and that I
physically were not up for it anyhow. I now had a toothache, small fever, motion
sickness and a severe lack of sleep that gave me a headache. The night was long
and I never slept more than 15 minutes because of the tossing around. I tried to
protect myself by laying a mattress down in the middle of the boat and jam
myself between the table and the couch. It did not work. I had to keep the radio
on ch. 16 in case and if I ever fell asleep the radio would spark and come to
live, they were trying to save the fishing boat next to me from going on the
rocks. The captain could not get out to the boat because of the weather so the
police had to get involved and a mobile crane with a big boat was launched at 4
in the morning. All this commotion going on around me was not helping at all but
at least I knew that help was close at hand if I needed it. From time to time
the boat would make a big toss or jerk that pulled so much on my ropes that it
made a gigantic 'bang' and I would jump into action with the flashlight trying
to figure out if the rope finally broke free or not. Luckily it never did but I
will never forget the noise it made, it is indescribable but my hart
stopped every time and I swear that I was up front looking at my lines before it
started to pump again.
After that second night of pure shit I knew I had to get away. With or without
the boat. Thinking about how good the mooring had been I decided to abandon the
boat and launched the dingy, I removed everything that was loose, even ores
because it would surely go overboard anyway. It was not raining now but the
surge and waves were massive, at the pier I could see the waves sucking away the
water before slamming into it again and agian. Between waves there were about 3
meters of concrete pier that disappeared when the next wave broke. I knew there
were a ladder about one third down the pier and headed for it, I was lucky and
managed to time my arrival at the ladder between two waves and therefore avoided
being crushed against the concrete. When the ladder was within reach I jumped to
it and rapidly climbed it bringing the long dingy rope. I was so happy to be at
land that I almost forgot that I was alone and would never be able to get the
dingy up!. Lucky for me the waves were good for something, I were holding on to
the dingy rope trying to think of a way to get my dingy up when a giant wave
lifted it so high that all I had to do was give it a little jerk and it got
flushed on to the pier by that wave, it was the most amazing sight, if I only
had this on video...
I did not know how bad I looked but after the first two cars I met stopped
and asked me if I were feeling 'all right?' I knew it could not be nice. Keith in the
second car was the Commodore of the Yacht club and drove me straight to a hotel
that he personally paid for and gave me a hot cup of coffee before ordering me
to rest.
Keith came by every
day and checked on me and after three days of heaven with cold milk from a
fridge, hot showers and best of all a big soft bed with fresh sheets i was
feeling good enough to check out. Paul and Andrea arrived after two days of
riding out the weather on the lee side of the island and what we have done on
Niue will be the next letter.
NB! Don't forget to take a
look at Niue Yacht Club's homepage. 'The
only Yacht Club without a boat?'
Kjell O.
Stave |
'The anchorage After the storm'
'The roof of the Yacht club's toilet block was ripped apart by
hurricane Heta'_small.jpg)
'Happy Sailors'