Phil's Work..
If I was
normal I would have changed the spreaders on the boat a long, long time ago. One
was almost rotten through and I have sailed with tripled reefed mainsail the
last two crossings because of this. A failure of a spreader in moderately bad
conditions would surly result in a broken mast, yet I have been waiting and
waiting before finally changing them. I like to think that things work out for
good people and that some day I would meet someone who could fix them in a
heartbeat and that's when I met Phil. Phil is a cabinet maker of trade and
planed down a 2x6 into a brand new spreader for me By hand. It took him
'forever' but as he said "I felt like doing it the old way?" And that's how Phil
is, good as gold...
Polish Delight?
From apparently out of Nowhere two Polish boats showed up one day with 4 polish
girls? They were in some sort of rally sponsored by the man who built the boats
they were sailing. Two lovely 28 footer's equipped for hard core sailing but
with a ton of food. Since Australia take all food containing meat they decided
to take the opportunity to get rid of everything they had and restock. I got the
honor of picking up 8 Garbage bags of food and distribute amongst the 'poor
sailors'. On the picture you can see 5 of the 8 bags of food.
Chinese and other
Funny how the Chinese are everywhere isn't it? Well i for one like it!
They are bringing me all the cheap stuff that i love and hate. I Love Noodles
and cheap movies and Hate bad noodles and broken movies, hehe.
The Tongans are great. I have not yet gotten to know too many personally but
'whatever', I like them. They dress really cool with some sort of mat around
their waists and always in black. The black in normally because if someone in
your family dies you have to wear black for a year. Since the family's here are
pretty large you can easily end up wearing black clothes forever. The solution
is umbrella?, if it is too hot outside they bring an umbrella to get a little
protection from the sun. This is a little wired for me but it kind of make sense
doesn't it? 'why lube up with all kind's of expensive creams for sun protection
when all you have to do is bring shade with you??.
The Palangies?.
The other locals?, I am not the only one enchanted by Tonga and the Tongans.
Ben and Lisa from California sailed in two years ago and got stuck. They are now
running the Aquarium internet cafe. (me standing on their safe dock->
) The same did the lady in the t-shirt shop and many others. There are so
many 'palangies' or white people here that they form 'groups' and small clubs.
Being a sailor I first got in touch with the bar and yacht club's palangi-gang.
Hanging out in a yacht club and bar is not always the brightest idea but it is
all good. Great people and great fun.
The last
picture is Phil and Paula dancing. There was a food fare with live music one day
and they decided to liven it up a little with some good swing music. Great
dancing it was.
* Paul
is in New Zealand to have a look around before deciding if he wants to sail
there or not. He will be back soon...
Kjell O.
Stave |
Phil's Work
Polish delight and local beauty...
Chinese and other locals
Clothes and fruit market
Aquarium internet and Amanda
Palangies, drinking and dancing