The King
is Dead, long live the King.
Kingdom of Tonga:
Two months ago the king of Tonga passed away. He was known to be a great men and
did a lot of good for Tonga. He got to be both big and old, the big part was
also physically and that's what matters the most here. The fatter one is the
more attractive you are and no one dared to claim they were fatter than the
king. Of respect i wore black for one month after the passing and so did most
Tongans except for the close family, they will wear black for a year!. No
one knows what the new King will be like, i guess time will show.
Happy Birthday.
I have
not updated in a long time and have therefore neglected a lot of birthday's and
birthday greetings. Even my Sister Marina's birthday was overlooked but as you
can see on the picture i did not forget my own and i even got a cake. I will not
tell how many candles but as you can see the cake would not have fitter more,
Time has gone really fast lately and even
though i have done a lot here in Tonga i can not believe it has been almost 6
months?, i got here in the beginning of the cruising season and have decided to
spend the hurricane season here so when i am done with Tonga it will have taken
almost a year of my time.
Whale watching
To go to Tonga and not go on a whale watching trip is like going to the moon and
never set foot on it, just stupid. Tonga is for the whale watching like
Carlsberg is for beer, Probably the best in the world. I went with Paul And
Karen from Dive Vava'u (because they have the best boat in Neiafu?). Everyone
says the same after a trip like this and i will say it too, the best experience
one can imagine. We found a humpback whale with a 'baby' (400 kilo) and after a
short briefing by Karen we went into the water and got to swim with both of
them. It is unexplainable to tell how it is to swim 5 meters over a big humpback
mom with a little white pup playing around, i will not even try, you have to
experience it for youerself... sorry
Rusty Sailor
Being 5 month's in the same bay without sailing around has been good, it has
been like a vacation from the vacation but has definitely affected my sailing
skills, read this and i'll tell you how stupid one can get.
How one
thing can lead to another:
Together with Tafadswa and Ika Roa, SY Spetakkel set off to go for a
long weekend in the Blue Lagoon a mere 5 miles away. After navigating the
narrow pass to get into the lagoon i started pulling inn sails and here is
where the shit starts, the roler-furling jams and rapid action is needed, i
get it down just in time to pass up Paul who is anchored already and i hit a
little sandbar. The wind (25Knots) pushes me around and free of the sandbar
but also sends my dingy rope right into the propellar and i am forced to
turn the engine off. With no more power to turn properly i t-bone (ram the
side) Paul and Tafadswa. Luckilly it was all going kind of slow and no
major damage was done.
Trying to leave the same lagoon (now renamed to b**** lagoon) was just as
much fun as entering it. It was blowing 25 knots for the longest time so we
decided to leave and find a more protected anchorage. Ika Roa and Tafadswa
just got out but me with my little propeller did not stand a chance. Here is
what happened: There are two passes next to each other to get in and out of
in the lagoon, between them there is a submerged reef. I head to the one to
the right and as i get to the opening the main sail say's 'swoosh' and a big
tare is made, this puts me off and with no sail to help keep me up to the
wind i have no other option but to turn around. That is of course too late
and i go straight over the reef!!!. Help... Lucky me it is full moon and the
extra high tide helped me get over without touching. Me and my crewmate Leo
(see crew page) try a few times more with just the engine but has to give up
time and again and anchor to start stitching the sail up. We do a good job
but to no use, we can not get out today and we end up hearing that same old
'swoosh' sound again before we give up and decide to stay another day. The
next day we have sowed the sail again and are ready to try again, knowing we
can sail over half of the reef at high tide the opening is 'for us' much
bigger and we literary 'tack' on top of the reef and make it out.
all that fun we went to 'Port Morell' witch is a nice anchorage that is
completly protected from the E-SE and i had two great and quiet nights there.
Kjell O.
Stave |
Happy Birthday.

Dive Vava'u
Blue Lagoon in 25 Kn.
Tongaen Sunday dress