In New Caledonia i met a lot of good French people and had a great time. To
make a long story short i will post some pic. from my time there and leave it at
that. I will however tell that we did have a big good bye party for me and new
boat party for Lionel where we had a ceremony where i 'be-Vikinged' lionel by
drinking beer out of plastic Viking horns and other fun things.
Meeting old friends:
old friends. In New Caledonia i meet some of my friends from earlyer times. Erik
on his big (and a little rusty) boat and Julien, Marien and now 3 month old son.
am now home in my house in Farsund, Norway and back at work in the factory. I
have only been home for a few days but are enjoying it. I might write more here
or i might not, time will show.
Last night on the boat...