bon dia
Ja there I`m sitting on a boat
for a month!! great!! 2 weeks ago I was
still sitting in my dental klinik on bonaire being sad and lonely because my girlfriend could not
get free urlier than juli of her american
study and we're thinking what to do till
September. And now, i'm
sitting in Aruba having much fun and
floting with the booze cruise. 2 weeks ago I was
driving in my jeep on bonaire to the 'openair' cinema, I had to catch some friends
at the city
cafe and at once there were 2
guys jumping in my jeep. I had something to say
"what the .... what is this." It
is where
kjell and Daryl said they know my collegue and that they
could come to the cinema. After that we had
big fun drinking and partying, and looking for the
donkeys. After 5 days fun at bonaire they
asked why i'm not coming with them. great!!
within a second I reacted yea! We made that weekend the demo booze cruise.
ha ha to the island small Bonaire and it was a big succes
(look at the pictures). Now, we went
from bonaire with 5 of us.
the captain had to have some company of course (Femke)
en Carla my collegue was allso coming to
compensate my 5 days she had to take over for me in my month.
With daryl en me are de 5 of us. We went sailing
at Fryday 13!!!!!!!!!!!!! man, that was
my first day. Happily i am not superspicieus.
A big trip of 23 hours in the night crossing
curacao with waves of 2,5 m. It was a good trip en at 13.00 pm we where in Aruba
between the millionairs!! Mega ships!
And we had to park in between haha.
The Spettakel is only 9 meters but, we had the
booze en the girls and big fun. Kjell had
downloaded the best song KOKOMO from
the beach boys. 'Aruba jamaica oh i.m gonna
take you to bermuda montego oh you
pretty mama enz'. With the music strong and a
lot of rum pinapple we did steel the
show. All the people where watching and
we're sitting on there with the ships of millions
and they are alone! And
we had the party with the Spetakkel. The
harbour is owned by the Rennaisance
hotel, very luxery, and we pay only 30
dollar per night and we use there our own private
island for free! we went there Yesterday with
flammingos en iguanas. with a shuttle,
and after it it goes under the hotel inside to
the hotel. Now we are prepairing for the big
trip to Colombia. The bottles are
empty and we have to work tomorow.
We are
going to cartagena. The weather
forecast looks good and within 5 days we are
there. Kjell is learning me how to navigate (
see picture) and we have total control.
happy days!!!
Going to Bonaire is the best thing we have done
up til now. I am leaving a big part of my heart in
this little island (and a tooth). The island is
small compared to Curacau and Aruba (the ABC islands) but that only
makes it better. We met so meny interesting people
that took such good care of us that we never felt
like leaving. Normally we feel like leaving to the
next destination after a few days but on this island
it never happened. To make sure that we dont get to
much on each other's nerves (we know that we need
some new input from time to time) having Dan as crew for a few weeks is going to help
us a lot. Daan is a rare species. One of those guys
that only means good and smiles all day. It is
impossible to be in a bad mood with him around. AnnFleur, you are a lucky girl. The sail from
Bonaire up to Aruba went well, the two girls and Dan
handled it nicely too. We had the biggest waves up
til now but no one seemed to care, as long as the
waves are not braking they are not dangerous
although we had a few funny moments when the
occational wave spalshed us. We have been talking a
lot about what happens when you sleep on 'the high
side' of the boat but i dont think we ever will
learn. The story goes like this, the boat is leening
towards port side and you are trying to sleep on the
starbord side, this works great when it is stable
and you are awake, but when you fall asleep and a
bigger wave hits you fall on the floor and are woken
up rather hard. It is alway funny.
Ps, all the travel
letters is made by BOTH kjell and darryl, we stand
for everything that we write...
Darryl & Kjell

